RSA 라는 줄임말은 이 알고리즘의 개발자인 당시 MIT 의 Rivest, Shamir, Adleman 3명의 머릿글자를 딴 것이다. 사실 이 세 명이 가장 먼저 발견한 것은 아니고 영국의 정보기관 GCHQ에 근무하던 한 수학자가 개발했다고 한다. 하지만 기관 특성상 기밀 취급하여 공개되지

RSA may refer to: . RSA (algorithm), an algorithm for public-key encryption RSA Security, a company founded by the creators of that algorithm; Republic of South Africa; Royal Society of Arts, a British institution RSA:n toteutus perustuu nopeaan potenssiinkorotusalgoritmiin jäännösluokkarenkaassa modulo . Potenssiinkorotuksen toteuttamiseksi tarvitaan nopea kertolaskualgoritmi samassa renkaassa. Potenssiinkorotuksen toteuttamiseksi tarvitaan nopea kertolaskualgoritmi samassa renkaassa. Princip. Bezpečnost RSA je postavena na předpokladu, že rozložit velké číslo na součin prvočísel (faktorizace) je velmi obtížná úloha.Z čísla = je tedy v rozumném čase prakticky nemožné zjistit činitele a , neboť není znám žádný algoritmus faktorizace, který by pracoval v polynomiálním čase vůči velikosti binárního zápisu čísla . RSA. RSA暗号 - 公開鍵暗号の一種。 ロナルド・リベスト (Ron Rivest) 、アディ・シャミア (Adi Shamir) 、レオナルド・エーデルマン (Len Adleman) の各姓から取った頭字語である。

Around RSA. Introducing the RSA Cybersecurity Summit. 6/22/2020. RSA Archer Summit: A Virtual Experience. 6/15/2020. RSA Innovates Cyber Skills Delivery in APJ. 3/17

En criptografía, RSA (Rivest, Shamir y Adleman) es un sistema criptográfico de clave pública desarrollado en 1979.Es el primer y más utilizado algoritmo de este tipo y es válido tanto para cifrar como para firmar digitalmente. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. Ο rsa είναι κρυπταλγόριθμος ασύμμετρου κλειδιού, το όνομα του οποίου προέρχεται από τους δημιουργούς του, Ρον Ρίβεστ, Άντι Σαμίρ και Λεν Άντλμαν.

RSA products deliver capabilities for SIEM, multi-factor authentication, identity and access assurance, integrated risk management, and fraud prevention.

In 2012, South Africa held its first census in over ten years. It found that the average Black family earned one-sixth (about 17%) of what the average White family earned. [12] " These figures tell us that at the bottom of the rung is the black majority who continue to be confronted by deep poverty unemployment and inequality,” President