DD-WRT has been impressing users since its inception in 2005, and is the go-to alternative router firmware due to its longevity of existence and support of the largest array of devices. Consequently, DD-WRT can claim the largest community of users. It's the backbone of what we do here at FlashRouters.

Aug 11, 2018 · Most of the firmware has default username and password. similarly DD-WRT has a default login details for the first time when you start router. save login details with you so that you can manage router later otherwise you have to hard reset router that can cause loose router data. Username and Password. The latest versions of DD-WRT will require you to set your own username and password when you first access the web interface. Because the SSH user is always root, it is critical that a strong password be used. FAQ. Q: I want to use DD-WRT but do not know if my router is supported, where can I get this information? A: Please check the router database first. If the router is not listed, please follow the instructions for device detection to find out if router support is possible. The DD-WRT firmware can use user/pass logon or only allows connections from clients whose public keys are manually entered via the web interface. Multiple keys can be entered by placing them on separate lines. If you want to use user/password to login using SSH use user "root" with the password you set in the webinterface "Factory Defaults" in DD-WRT really means "firmware defaults" because it reverts to DD-WRT's defaults. Login (password) after Reset . After a reset of DD-WRT, the firmware should ask for you to change the username and password. If it does not the reset was not successful. DD-WRT default Password and Username July 14, 2016 admin 0 Comments DD-WRT e900 e1200 e2000 e2500 e3000 e4200 v24 sp2 Linksys wrt54g /gl/gs default root password For those looking for a complete list or search features by hardware specs we are working on extending the router database to provide these features. In the meantime there is the Supported Device List in the DD-WRT wiki that provides you most of these information. But please take care - everybody can edit the information there so we cannot

PolskiKrol Comments: It would appear that that nokaid version of DD-WRT v24 RC7 no longer leaves any space for JFFS2 on 4MB Firmware. This issue was seen on the WRT150N. The last working firmware [for me, with enough space,] is DD-WRT v24 RC6.2. I am currently using a USB flash drive with the ext2 filesystem in WRT v24 sp2 beta.

PolskiKrol Comments: It would appear that that nokaid version of DD-WRT v24 RC7 no longer leaves any space for JFFS2 on 4MB Firmware. This issue was seen on the WRT150N. The last working firmware [for me, with enough space,] is DD-WRT v24 RC6.2. I am currently using a USB flash drive with the ext2 filesystem in WRT v24 sp2 beta.

The WRT54GL router must already have dd-wrt installed before you begin this process. 1 -First start by backing up your current CFE.BIN file and keep it in a safe place 2- Enable ssh services in the dd-wrt configuration at Jan 08, 2014 · DD-WRT is a Linux-based alternative open-source firmware suitable for a great variety of WLAN routers and embedded systems. The main emphasis lies on providing the easiest possible handling while at the same time supporting a great number of functionalities, here is how to enable the SSH functionality. dd-wrt Plain and simple: your average router's stock firmware just won't cut it. If you want a router without gaping vulnerabilities and flaws, a router that is versatile, powerful, and controllable, you want a router with DD-WRT firmware. Nov 12, 2019 · If the password on your Linksys WRT54G has been changed, the default password of admin won't work.If you don't know the password, reset the WRT54G router to its factory default settings, which restores the configurations back to how it was when the router was first purchased, including its password. So the other day I was making my usual password changing rounds on my accounts and devices. One of the things that I do change regularly is my password for DD-WRT. Somehow I changed it and could no longer access the device. Alas, I did have SSH enabled and it let me log in using the original password that I had setup.